Category: General Post
Upcoming EPA Public Meeting – Nondalton
The EPA released for public comment a draft scientific study of the Bristol Bay Watershed and its natural resources. A public meeting will be held in Nondalton on Thursday, June … Continued
Upcoming EPA Public Meeting – New Stuyahok
The EPA released for public comment a draft scientific study of the Bristol Bay Watershed and its natural resources. A public meeting will be held in New Stuyahok on Thursday, … Continued
Direct Links to Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment Resource
Direct Links to EPA Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment resources: Main Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment page (including public meeting dates, times and locations) Draft Watershed Assessment (released May 18, 2012) – … Continued
Another public comment opportunity from EPA: Input sought on peer-review questions by June 26
EPA has announced a public comment period regarding the questions it is posing to the peer review team looking at the draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment.
Upcoming EPA Public Meeting – Levelock
The EPA released for public comment a draft scientific study of the Bristol Bay Watershed and its natural resources. A public meeting will be held in Levelock on Wednesday, June … Continued
Public comment mixed at EPA Watershed Assessment hearing
EPA held a public comment hearing on its draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment in Anchorage June 4, with an estimated 800 people in attendance. Comments were split: some favored the assessment as an impartial review of potential mining impacts on the Bristol Bay watershed. Others thought it was an overreach by EPA into Alaska affairs.
Upcoming EPA Public Meeting – Naknek
The EPA released for public comment a draft scientific study of the Bristol Bay Watershed and its natural resources. A public meeting will be held in Naknek on Tuesday, June 5, … Continued
Upcoming EPA Public Meeting – Dillingham
The EPA released for public comment a draft scientific study of the Bristol Bay Watershed and its natural resources. A public meeting will be held in Dillingham on Tuesday, June … Continued
EPA public Watershed Assessment meetings this week
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to hold public meetings during the first week in June to get input on its draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment. Specific times and … Continued
Upcoming EPA Public Meeting
The EPA released for public comment a draft scientific study of the Bristol Bay Watershed and its natural resources. A public meeting will be held in Anchorage on Monday, June … Continued