Category: General Post
Pebble Watch interview with Keystone Center’s Todd Bryan
Pebble Watch interviewed Todd Bryan of the Keystone Center about science panels convened to review environmental baseline data from the Pebble Limited Partnership.
Keystone Center dialogue on “Geology, Geochemistry, Hydrology, and Water Quality”
The Keystone Center has assembled a series of independent science panels to help stakeholders understand and evaluate baseline studies and a proposed mining plan. Independent science panels will be assembled … Continued
Keystone panel discussions under way
Keystone Center panel discussion agenda, Oct. 2-4 You can find the agenda here. Watch the meeting live here. Here are a couple of news stories from the past week. Keystone … Continued
Keystone Center dialogue on “Geology, Geochemistry, Hydrology, and Water Quality”
Keystone Center sets dates for dialogues on Pebble mine development
American Indian Science & Engineering Society’s National Conference
Anchorage will host the 34th American Indian Science and Engineering Society’s (AISES) national conference Nov. 1-3. The conference will be held at the Dena’ina Convention Center. This year’s theme is … Continued
EPA Peer Review report expected soon
EPA peer review team expected to release watershed assessment report this week
Pebble Watch Explores: Geotechnical and Seismic Studies
Pebble Watch Explores: Geotechnical and Seismic Studies
Register to attend October science panels on Pebble-related topics
The Keystone Center is hosting a series of dialogues related to the proposed Pebble mine. Members of the public can register now to attend the sessions.