The Pebble deposit 30 years later
How a 28-year-old geologist made the biggest discovery of his career It’s been 30 years since the first drilling began at the Pebble deposit in Bristol Bay. Pebble Watch interviewed … Continued
Ground truthing Pebble’s proposed transportation corridor
Blending science, wilderness travel and local insights Pebble Watch interviewed Rachel James, Salmon State’s Bristol Bay Campaign Coordinator, about her 4-day recreational hike from Kamishak Bay to Kokhanok, Alaska. While … Continued
Pebble visiting Iliamna Friday, October 12
The Pebble Partnership is hosting a community luncheon in Iliamna Friday as part of its effort to reach out to small groups to explain the proposed Pebble mine. Last month … Continued
Pebble developer website highlights permit application info
Pebble Limited Partnership is in the process of rolling out a new look to its web site at pebblepartnership.com. Spokesman Mike Heatwole explained that the upgrades make the site work … Continued
NDM presentation to Denver Gold Forum
In a presentation at the Denver Gold Forum Wednesday, Northern Dynasty Minerals (NDM) CEO Ron Thiessen described progress the company has made toward developing the Pebble deposit since his presentation … Continued
News Roundup – September 2018
Permitting Updates USACE releases summary on scoping report Elwood Brehmer at the Alaska Journal of Commerce reported earlier this month that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a summary … Continued
Alaska ranks in global top 10 for overall attractiveness to mineral investors
In response to Alaska Governor Bill Walker’s request to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to suspend its NEPA review, Pebble Limited Partnership CEO Tom Collier wrote, “It is this type … Continued
Governor asks Corps to suspend permitting process
Alaska’s Governor Bill Walker has sent a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers asking it to suspend its NEPA review of the proposed Pebble mine. The Corps is … Continued
The Pebble Project: Up, down and around
The last six months have been a roller coaster ride, as news about permitting and partnerships follows twists and turns, throwing just about everyone for a loop.
News Roundup – June 2018
Upcoming Dates of interest June 28 – Northern Dynasty minerals Shareholder Meeting June 29 – End of Scoping Period for 404 Wetlands permit July 28 – Public input ends for … Continued