EPA public meeting in Anchorage on proposed Bristol Bay restrictions
Members of the public can comment in person on EPA’s Proposed Determination – a document that details its recommended restrictions on large-scale mining at the Pebble deposit in Bristol Bay.
Pebble-related public meetings to be held this week
EPA hearings and pro/con positions on the Bristol Bay Forever initiative take place this week.
Tailings pond breach at Canada mine puts safety at the forefront of Pebble discussion
Tailings storage facility fails; releases billions of gallons of waste water and tailings into Fraser River tributary.
New from Pebble Watch: two guides related to EPA’s Proposed Determination
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is currently receiving public comments on its Proposed Determination for restrictions at the Pebble deposit site in Bristol Bay. Public meetings are coming up August … Continued
Responses to the Release of EPA’s Proposed Determination
“Common sense standards” or a”blueprint” for impeding national economic development? Reactions to EPA’s Bristol Bay restrictions vary.
EPA releases proposed restrictions for large-scale mining in Bristol Bay
Document open for public comment through September 19, 2014.
News roundup: July 11, 2014
Much of the recent news related to the proposed Pebble mine has to do with a lawsuit Pebble Limited Partnership is pursuing against the EPA and its use of Section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act to protect Bristol Bay.
“Bristol Bay Forever” initiative to appear on ballots Nov. 4
Initiative would require state legislator approval for large mines such as Pebble.
News Roundup: June 16
More mining claims for Pebble developer, and a suit over a ballot initiative goes to the State Supreme Court
State of Alaska petitions to join Pebble in civil suit against EPA
Alaska federal district court will determine if State participation is warranted.