EPA, the Corps, and where to go for dinner
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has been involved in discussion around the proposed Pebble mine for nearly a decade. Currently it is an official cooperating agency with the U.S. … Continued
Pro, con, and “waiting for the science”
As federal permitting for the Pebble project continues, so does media attention, including recent features in Science magazine, The Nation, and the TODAY Show. Locally, the project has been a source of … Continued
EPA in Bristol Bay: timeline
EPA’s decision last week to revoke a Proposed Determination with recommendations for restricting large-scale mining at the Pebble deposit in Bristol Bay follows nearly a decade of related actions.
EPA withdraws Proposed Determination
In February 2014, the U.S. EPA released a Proposed Determination outlining restrictions it recommended for large-scale mining at the Pebble deposit area in Bristol Bay. It followed a multi-year study … Continued
Last Chance to Comment on DEIS for Pebble mine
Today Alaskans are celebrating summer solstice, when we have the most daylight of the year. While days are long, time is short to get your public comment in on the … Continued
Comment Comparison
Wondering how the number of comments for the Draft EIS compares with other Pebble mine relevant documents that had public comment periods? We compared the number of comments received as … Continued
Days left to submit your public comment
Have you submitted a comment on the U.S. Corps of Engineers Draft Environmental Impact Statement? The Corps extended the public comment deadline to July 1, 2019. No comments will be … Continued
July 1 is new deadline for public comment
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has extended the public comment period on the Pebble Draft Environmental Impact Statement. The agency had received requests for additional time to review and … Continued
Among the last of the salmon-based cultures
For the people of Bristol Bay, wild fish and clean water are more than healthy food sources. They are a connection to the past, inspiration for art, shapers of language, … Continued
Public meetings on DEIS to begin Monday
On Monday, March 25, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) begins a series of 9 public hearings on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) developed as part of the … Continued