Author: M Oxford
EPA will not formally elevate decision-making on Pebble project permit
Today was the deadline for the EPA to submit an elevation letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as part of an established dispute resolution process between the two agencies. … Continued
What do you know about Iliamna Lake seals?
From ice to isotopes, our new fact sheet provides an overview of a rare population of harbor seals that make their home year-round on Alaska’s largest lake. Iliamna Lake Harbor … Continued
Alaska Department of Natural Resources: Keep Pebble moving forward
The State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR), which will decide on certain state permits for the Pebble project, has written the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers urging it … Continued
How could COVID-19 affect the Pebble project?
In a March 26 press release Northern Dynasty Minerals (NDM) said that efforts to gain permits for the Pebble mine prospect in Bristol Bay were moving forward despite the COVID-19 … Continued
Pebble is U.S. mining’s biggest spender in Washington D.C.
Who are Joel Jankowsky, Richard Pombo, Peter Robertson, and Alan L Mintz? They are just a few of the 25 lobbyists who represented the Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP) in Washington … Continued
NEPA guidelines may be changing; public comment closing soon
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), under which the proposed Pebble mine is being reviewed, may be different if and when developers seek to expand the project in the future. … Continued
Pebble permitting process extended by 90 days
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers determined last month that it would need to extend the permitting timeline for the Pebble project by 90 days. A Final Environmental Impact Statement … Continued
Who Produced the Draft EIS?
Last month the Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP) launched new advertising efforts to state its case that the federal permitting process is working as designed and that the Corps’ Draft Environmental … Continued
EPA, the Corps, and where to go for dinner
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has been involved in discussion around the proposed Pebble mine for nearly a decade. Currently it is an official cooperating agency with the U.S. … Continued
Pro, con, and “waiting for the science”
As federal permitting for the Pebble project continues, so does media attention, including recent features in Science magazine, The Nation, and the TODAY Show. Locally, the project has been a source of … Continued