Alaska candidates: Where do they stand on Pebble?

The issue of the Pebble mine is playing a role in Alaska’s election this year, particularly in the Senate race between incumbent Mark Begich and candidate Dan Sullivan. Some candidates have clear positions against the project. Others have no stated position for or against the mine but stand behind Alaska’s permitting process. Here is a visual guide to the stance’s of the main candidates running for state-wide office.



No stated position


Sean Parnell/Dan Sullivan (Anchorage Mayor)

Parnell says as governor he must let the permitting process play out, but has also expressed support for helping the Pebble Partnership find a new investor in the project.

Bill Walker/Byron Mallott


U.S. Senator

Mark Begich


Dan Sullivan (former DNR Commissioner)

Sullivan has not stated whether he is for or against the mine. During his years as Alaska Department of Natural Resources commissioner, he oversaw revisions to the Bristol Bay Area Plan, which some detractors point to as an indication of a pro-Pebble stance.

U.S. Representative

Don Young

Rep. Young has not stated whether he is for or against Pebble and has stated that “It’s the state’s land and it has control over the resources. Let the state do its job.”

He is against Ballot Measure 4, the public initiative that would require the State legislature to approve development at the Pebble site if the project is permitted. He has worked to limit EPA’s 404(c) authority under the Clean Water Act, which it is currently using to propose limits on development at the Pebble site.

Forrest Dunbar