Tag: Event/Meeting
Pebble Partnership presents EBD overview at ComFish
Characterizing the environment of Southwest Alaska An overview of the environmental baseline data compiled related to the Pebble Mine Deposit, a five-year research program studying the physical, biological and socioeconomic … Continued
Large Mine Permitting Team presents at ComFish
State of Alaska Large Mine Permitting Team Permitting and state process on both hard rock metal and coal mines – The team will explain differences per the Dept. of Natural … Continued
PLP continues EBD community presentations
Pebble partnership visits communities to talk about the environmental baseline document
2012 Western Alaskan Interdisciplinary Science Conference and Forum
A day-long workshop on Pebble science studies has been added to the agenda for the 2012 Western Alaskan Interdisciplinary Science Conference and Forum, March 28-31, 2012 in Dillingham, Alaska. The … Continued
Science Conference, Resilience in a Changing World
The UAF Bristol Bay Campus will host the 5th Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference (WAISC), Resilience in a Changing World on March 28-30 in Dillingham, Alaska. Richard Seifert, Community Sustainability … Continued
PLP Environmental Data Meeting
The Pebble Limited Partnership will hold a seminar this week on the project’s 20,000 page Environmental Baseline Document. The 53-chapter Environmental Baseline Document represents the environmental studies done by more than 40 consulting … Continued
PLP to give EBD overview in Soldotna/Homer
Pebble Limited Partnership offers sessions describing Environmental Baseline Document.
Science Conference, Resilience in a Changing World
The UAF Bristol Bay Campus will host the 5th Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference (WAISC), Resilience in a Changing World on March 28-30 in Dillingham, Alaska. Richard Seifert, Community Sustainability … Continued
Science Conference, Resilience in a Changing World
The UAF Bristol Bay Campus will host the 5th Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference (WAISC), Resilience in a Changing World on March 28-30 in Dillingham, Alaska. Richard Seifert, Community Sustainability … Continued
WAISC conference features Special Session on Pebble mine, Saturday, March 31
Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference features Pebble session