Pebble news roundup: Mine plan, permitting, set for 2012-2013

Recent Pebble news highlights comments made by Ken Taylor, vice president with Pebble Limited Partnership. Taylor addressed legislators in Juneau February 16, telling them a mine plan may be available within a year, and that the target for permitting is next fiscal year.

“Pebble Partnership: ready to permit as early as FY 13” (February 17, 2012) – Juneau Empire
Russell Stigall reports that Pebble Limited Partnership Vice President Ken Taylor addressed members of the House Resources Committee, telling them Pebble developers will have a mine plan in about a year’s time. Members in the audience were able to ask questions, including whether heavy metals would leach into the Bristol Bay watershed. “I can stand here and tell you that it’s not going to leach in 10 years, but 10 years is a snapshot in time,” said Taylor. It will eventually.” Taylor emphasized the role of reclamation and underscored PLP’s reclamation of test wells as an example of good stewardship.

Read the entire story in the Juneau Empire.

“Pebble project could move to permitting this year” (February 16, 2012) – Anchorage Daily News
The Anchorage Daily News reported on Pebble Limited Partnership Vice President Ken Taylor’s address to legislators, and included his comments on environmentalism as “big business” that increases costs for big projects.

Read the entire story in the Anchorage Daily News.