Pebble Limited Partnership Agency Meetings, Friday, February 3
The Pebble Limited Partnership is holding Agency Meetings this week to preview reports in its Environmental Baseline Document. The public is invited to attend by webinar.
Schedule for Friday, February 3
(Sessions may run faster than what is listed, so viewers should check in early if there is a particular topic of interest.)
8:45 am – Marine Benthos, Jon Houghton & Jason Stutes, Pentec
9:35 am – Nearshore Fish & Invertebrates, Jon Houghton & Jason Stutes, Pentec
10:15 am – Marine Wildlife – Birds, Bob Day, ABR
10:50 am – Marine Wildlife – Mammals, Bob Day, ABR
12:25 pm – Socioeconomics Jim Calvin, McDowell
1:10 pm – Cultural Resources Monty J. Rogers, SRB&A
1:40 pm – Subsistence & Traditional Knowledge, Paul Lawrence, SRB&A
3:00 pm – Noise / Transportation / Power, Chuck Hookham, HDR
3:40 pm – Visual, Kim Graham, USKH
4:10 pm – Land Use / Recreation, Charlotte MacCay, LDN
Password: Pebble
The WebEx event number is: 665-071-072