Pebble Mine in the news

To help keep readers up-to-date, Pebble Watch offers regular roundups of news articles related to the proposed Pebble Mine. Following are stories that have recently appeared in local and national publications.

Salmon documented in streams on top of Pebble prospect” (April 26, 2011 – Bristol Bay Times) – A new fisheries research report documents the presence of wild salmon in streams on top of a major Southwest Alaska mine prospect and calls for further studies into potential impacts groundwater contamination could have on salmon populations. Read the full story in the Bristol Bay Times.

“Mega-star Robert Redford opposed to Alaska mine” (April 21, 2011 – Associated Press) – Hollywood star Robert Redford is speaking out against the Pebble Mine, a huge copper and gold deposit poised for development in southwest Alaska, which also hosts the world’s last and best wild salmon streams. Read the full Associated Press story.

“Northern Dynasty looks to sell Pebble stake” (April 21, 2011 – Alaska Journal of Commerce) –  The CEO of Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. told Bloomberg News March 8 it expects to divest its 50 percent stake in the Pebble mine prospect “anytime later this year or next year. Read the full story in the Alaska Journal of Commerce.

“Borough approves application for mining petition” (April 11, 2011 – Bristol Bay Times) –  Lake and Peninsula Borough Clerk Kate Conley said today that she has approved an application for an initiative to stop within the borough any resource extraction activities that could have a significant adverse impact on the wild salmon resource. Read the full story in the Bristol Bay Times.