July 2011
This issue provides information related to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) ongoing watershed assessment for the Bristol Bay region and how EPA can influence the permitting process, why watersheds are important, links to watershed educational resources, and a summary of EPA’s visit to Bristol Bay to hear resident’s watershed concerns
Educational Resources About Watersheds
- University of Alaska Water Quality Monitoring Field Guide, with resources for elementary and high school educators on conducting stream habitat walks and making qualitative and quantitative observations
- Free online course on watersheds and weather, developed by MetEd, a program of the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
- US Geological Survey “Science in Your Watershed” site, with mapping features and scientific data to help you understand your local watershed
- State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game educational resources on watersheds, including brochure, poster and PowerPoint .
- USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Program Research Projects page: “Watershed Contamination from Hard Rock Mining.” Describes research projects and resources related to watersheds affected by mining.