EPA Web resource explains Section 404(c)

When BBNC asked EPA to use its authority under Section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act in relation to  the proposed Pebble Mine, you may have wondered what that meant, or where to find out more about Section 404(c). What is it? What role, if any, might the public play in this process?

The PebbleWatch (PW) team has found a section of EPA’s website with much more information on Section 404(c), including details of how it’s been employed in the past.

Scroll all the way down, and don’t miss the last three downloads, which include a very handy 404(c) info sheet.

One detail of interest: If the EPA Regional Administrator does choose to exercise its authority to veto or prohibit/restrict a potential disposal site, this kicks off a process that would include a public comment period with public hearing.


Read BBNC’s August 12 press release.

Read the letter from BBNC to EPA.

EPA 404(c) Clean Water Act