Corps retires its Pebble permitting website

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has retired its public-facing website that provided access to documents and public comments related to Pebble Limited Partnership’s (PLP) 404 permit application. That permit process began when PLP submitted an application in December 2017 and concluded in November 2020 with a Record of Decision (ROD) that denied a Clean Water Act permit for the controversial project.
PLP’s parent company, Northern Dynasty, is in the process of preparing an appeal of the decision. The appeal process could take some months to resolve.
Since the publication of the ROD is the official final step in the permitting process, all activities associated with the permit process – including maintenance of the website – have ceased.
PebbleWatch had linked extensively to this site as a primary source for documentation on the project and permitting process. We have developed a page that provides access to some of the relevant documents that were housed at the Corps’ previous site. Here you will find:
- Record of Decision documents
- Final EIS documents
- Requests for Information
- Cooperating Agency documents
- EIS documents
- Lists of documents consulted and/or cited in the EIS
- Permit Application documents and Notice of Intent
- Scoping documents
- Newsletters
- Media documents (including press releases and transcripts of media conferences)
A spokesman for the Corps’ Alaska District said the agency is determining the best place to house the Final EIS and Record of Decision documents. It’s not clear where the public will be able to access comments that were submitted throughout the process during official commenting periods, including scoping, Draft EIS and Final EIS.