Category: General Post
EPA adds community visit in Dillingham
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is planning several community visits to the Bristol Bay region during the first week in June to speak with residents and provide updates on its … Continued
Pebble Mine in the news
To help keep readers up-to-date, Pebble Watch offers regular roundups of news articles related to the proposed Pebble Mine. Following are stories that have recently appeared in local and national … Continued
Lake and Peninsula Borough Assembly (Kokhanok)
EPA plans community visits Representatives from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will visit the Bristol Bay area in mid-May and early June. They will be available to speak with … Continued
EPA posts details about Watershed Assessment
The Environmental Protection Agency’s Bristol Bay webpage was recently updated with documents related to the watershed assessment EPA is conducting in the Bristol Bay region. These include a community involvement plan and … Continued
EPA plans community visits
Representatives from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will visit the Bristol Bay area in mid-May and early June. They will be available to speak with community members in Kokhanok, … Continued
Pre-register by May 27 for June meetings in Dillingham, Newhalen
Planning to attend one of the two Bristol Bay Mining Information Sessions occurring in Dillingham and Newhalen early this June? Organizers with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are asking attendees … Continued
BBNC Responsible Development Video
The Bristol Bay Native Corporation Responsible Development Video will be airing on GCI Channel 1 this month in the following communities: Nome, Kotzebue, Bethel, Anchorage, Girdwood, Fairbanks, Juneau, and other … Continued
Developers’ plans point toward permitting start date in 2012
Developers of the proposed Pebble project have announced plans to release an Environmental Baseline Document (EBD) in 2011, followed by a Prefeasibility Study (PFS) in 2012. These documents are expected … Continued
BBNC Responsible Development Video
The Bristol BayNative Corporation Responsible Development Video will be airing on GCI Channel 1 this month in the following communities: Nome, Kotzebue, Bethel, Anchorage, Girdwood, Fairbanks, Juneau, and other SE … Continued
Pebble Mine in the news
To help keep readers up-to-date, Pebble Watch offers regular roundups of news articles related to the proposed Pebble Mine. Following are stories that have recently appeared in local and national … Continued