Category: General Post
Pebble Watch team to present at science conference
Members of the Pebble Watch science team will participate in the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Arctic Division, taking place in Dillingham, Wednesday, … Continued
BBNC Shareholder Informational Meeting
BBNC Shareholder Informational Meeting in Portland, Oregon. Time and place to be determined.
Pebble Mine in the News: September 1
To help keep readers up-to-date, Pebble Watch offers regular roundups of news articles related to the proposed Pebble Mine: “Proposed Pebble gold mine faces long, difficult journey” (August 31, 2011 … Continued
BBNC Shareholder Informational Meeting
BBNC Shareholder Informational Meeting in Naknek, Alaska at the Village Council Building at 12 noon.
BBNC Shareholder Informational Meeting
BBNC Shareholder Informational Meeting in Levelock, Alaska at the Village Rec. Hall at 5 P.M.
Travel award available for Fisheries Society conference
The Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society is offering a monetary Cultural Travel Award for an Alaska Native or other minority person to cover travel expenses to attend the … Continued
Pebble Mine in the News: August 25
To help keep readers up-to-date, Pebble Watch offers regular roundups of news articles related to the proposed Pebble Mine. Indian Country Today Media Network recently featured Bristol Bay in three … Continued
EPA updates watershed assessment schedule
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has provided additional details about upcoming activities related to its ongoing assessment of Bristol Bay, including an opportunity for public participation in December 2011: Meeting … Continued
BBNC Shareholder Informational Meeting
BBNC Shareholder Informational Meeting in Kodiak, Alaska at the Convention Center at 6 P.M.
EPA provides documents detailing watershed assessment progress
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has updated its web site with several documents related to its ongoing watershed assessment of Bristol Bay. These include a draft watershed assessment outline, … Continued