Category: General Post
Environmental Baseline Studies meetings being web-cast: Jan 31-Feb 3
The Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP) has scheduled four days of “Agency Meetings” to provide an overview of its Pebble Project Environmental Baseline Studies. Meetings start Tuesday, January 31 and will … Continued
A Conversation with EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson
Wednesday, January 25, from 4-5 p.m., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson will visit the University of Washington’s College of the Environment to discuss current EPA policies and … Continued
EPA request for peer reviewer input
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) expected to publish a call for public input on potential peer reviewers for its draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment in mid-January. That date has … Continued
Environmental & Energy news takes in-depth look at Pebble debate
Pebble Watch regularly provides news round-ups with links to articles related to development of the proposed Pebble Mine. In a recent two-part series published online in Environmental and Energy News, reporter … Continued
December Pebble Watch newsletter now available
The December issue of the Pebble Watch newsletter is being mailed this week, and is available for download in the Newsletters section of our website now. This issue focuses on a question the … Continued
BBNC shareholders hear from EPA
EPA Manager Rick Parkin presented an update of EPA’s Bristol Bay watershed assessment to Bristol Bay Native Corporation shareholders at their annual Village Leadership Workshop in Anchorage in early December. … Continued
Latest Pebble news includes statewide poll results
Recent Pebble Mine news includes results of a statewide poll showing the majority of Alaskans oppose the proposed mine, and an article detailing the growth in the mining industry this year. Public Radio International also discussed … Continued
Pebble news: November 8, 2011
Recent Pebble Mine news includes updates and reactions to the “Save Our Salmon” initiative, and an interview with Fred Parady, the new executive director for the Alaska Miners’ Association.
Federal legislation that could affect Pebble Mine development
Pebble Watch is tracking three federal bills that have the potential to affect the development of the proposed Pebble Mine. Two of these bills seek to either remove or restrict … Continued
Science group releases video, overview of Dillingham discussion
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has published an article highlighting the Pebble Mine issue, which was raised at the science organization’s first-ever Arctic Science Symposium in … Continued