Category: General Post
Pebble Limited Partnership EBD presentation – Naknek
The Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP) is presenting information about its Environmental Baseline Data (EBD) at several meetings in Bristol Bay. A water and fish consultant will be present at each … Continued
Pebble Limited Partnership EBD presentation – Levelock
The Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP) is presenting information about its Environmental Baseline Data (EBD) at several meetings in Bristol Bay. A water and fish consultant will be present at each … Continued
Pebble Partnership presents EBD overview at ComFish
Characterizing the environment of Southwest Alaska An overview of the environmental baseline data compiled related to the Pebble Mine Deposit, a five-year research program studying the physical, biological and socioeconomic … Continued
Large Mine Permitting Team presents at ComFish
State of Alaska Large Mine Permitting Team Permitting and state process on both hard rock metal and coal mines – The team will explain differences per the Dept. of Natural … Continued
PLP continues EBD community presentations
Pebble partnership visits communities to talk about the environmental baseline document
EPA moves Watershed Assessment release to May
bristol bay watershed assessment draft scheduled for may
Scientists present Pebble information at Dillingham WAISC conference
The Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference, held last week in Dillingham, featured a special session with scientists who had contributed to Pebble Limited Partnership’s (PLP) Environmental Baseline Document (EBD), and … Continued
2012 Western Alaskan Interdisciplinary Science Conference and Forum
A day-long workshop on Pebble science studies has been added to the agenda for the 2012 Western Alaskan Interdisciplinary Science Conference and Forum, March 28-31, 2012 in Dillingham, Alaska. The … Continued
PLP Environmental Data Meeting
The Pebble Limited Partnership will hold a seminar this week on the project’s 20,000 page Environmental Baseline Document. The 53-chapter Environmental Baseline Document represents the environmental studies done by more than 40 consulting … Continued
Science Conference, Resilience in a Changing World
The UAF Bristol Bay Campus will host the 5th Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference (WAISC), Resilience in a Changing World on March 28-30 in Dillingham, Alaska. Richard Seifert, Community Sustainability … Continued