Southwest Alaska Salmon Science Symposium
Purpose of symposium is to look in depth at salmon habitat research in Bristol Bay and identify potential research gaps. Symposium will run from 8am to 5pm at the Egan … Continued
BBNC Responsible Development Video
The Bristol Bay Native Corporation Responsible Development Video will be airing on GCI Channel 1 this month in the following communities: Nome, Kotzebue, Bethel, Anchorage, Girdwood, Fairbanks, Juneau, and other … Continued
Southwest Alaska Salmon Science Symposium
Presentations by Dr.Tom Quinn and Dr.Daniel Schindler on their work with salmon sustainability and biodiversity in Bristol Bay. Open to the public from 7pm to 9pm at the Egan Center
Pebble Investors urge EPA to initiate 404(c) review process
In a statement to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) this week, 29 Anglo American investors expressed concern about negative impacts the proposed Pebble Mine may have on the Bristol … Continued
BBNC Responsible Development Video
The Bristol Bay Native Corporation Responsible Development Video will be airing on GCI Channel 1 this month in the following communities: Nome, Kotzebue, Bethel, Anchorage, Gridwood, Fairbanks, Juneau, and other SE … Continued
EPA meetings set for June in Iliamna, Dillingham
Pebble Watch has just received word via the Environmental Protection Agency’s Alaska Operations Office that EPA has confirmed June 2 and 3 for two mining information sessions, to be held … Continued
2011 Southwest Alaska Salmon Science Symposium
Daniel Schindler, Ph.D. and Thomas Quinn, Ph.D., professors in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences at the University of Washington, will be the featured speakers at the 2011 Southwest … Continued
Pebble Mine in the news
To help keep readers up-to-date on developments related to the proposed Pebble Mine, Pebble Watch has begun to offer a regular round-up of news articles. Following are stories that have … Continued
Radio Show Native America Calling discusses Pebble Mine
The proposed Pebble Mine project will be discussed on the Koahnic Broadcast Corporation (KBC) radio show Native America Calling. The radio program airs live Tuesday, March 29th, from 1 PM – 2 … Continued
Pebble Watch: A user’s guide
The Pebble Watch team has put together a brief profile of who we are, what resources we provide, and what you can expect from us in the future. You can … Continued