EPA peer review panel: assessment has good information on fish, big gaps in many other areas
EPA peer review panel: assessment has good information on fish, big gaps in many other areas
EPA peer review continues today
The peer review panel met in Anchorage Tuesday, August 7, to hear testimony from more than 100 people on the EPA’s draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment.
Public meeting with Watershed Assessment Peer Review Team
Deliberations of the peer review team for the EPA Bristol Bay Draft Watershed Assessment will be open to the public on August 7 and 8, 2012. For details, visit EPA’s … Continued
Public meeting with Watershed Assessment Peer Review Team
Deliberations of the peer review team for the EPA Bristol Bay Draft Watershed Assessment will be open to the public on August 7 and 8, 2012. For details, visit EPA’s … Continued
Can’t make the EPA peer review meeting? Watch the webcast
Can’t make the EPA peer review meeting? Watch the webcast
Watershed assessment comments, transcripts available from EPA
EPA has posted public comments on its draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment.
Public input deadline – Watershed Assessment
Today is the deadline for submitting public comment on the draft scientific study of the Bristol Bay Watershed and its natural resources. There are several ways to submit your comments: Submit … Continued
Frontline features Pebble mine vs. Bay fishing debate
Frontline features Pebble mine vs. Bay fishing debate
Last chance to comment on EPA assessment
EPA July 23 deadline to comment on watershed assessment is approaching.