Updates to Pebble-related events and issues
Get updates to recent issues related to the development of the proposed Pebble mine.
Economic studies published on Bristol Bay fishing, proposed Pebble mine
A university study on the economic impact of the Bristol Bay salmon fishery and an independent study commissioned by the Pebble partnership about the potential economic impact of the proposed … Continued
Legislative update: State House passes permitting bill
The Alaska State House passed HB 77 yesterday, moving forward a bill introduced in January by Gov. Sean Parnell that he says will streamline permitting in the state. A similar … Continued
One month left to comment on revisions to Bristol Bay Area Plan
Public can comment on Bristol Bay Area Plan revisions through April 4, 2013.
Congressmen weigh in on EPA watershed assessment
The EPA Bristol Bay watershed assessment process has been criticized by some Senators in Washington D.C.
Update: Alaska permitting bills moving quickly
Alaska legislature considering bills to streamline permitting process
EPA to allow public comments on new version of Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment
Revision of EPA watershed assessment will be available for public review and comment
Gov. Parnell seeks to streamline permitting process
Alaska legislature considering bills that would streamline permitting process
Pebble Watch explores permitting in January newsletter
Pebble Watch January 2013 newsletter